When Maisie, 13, was referred to the programme she was displaying shy and withdrawn behaviour and would often become overwhelmed. She said, “At school, I found it difficult that things were changing. I had low confidence and found it difficult making friends.” 

Our Power2 Thrive programme gives secondary school-aged students the opportunity to become mentors and role models to children in a local nursery, spending a morning or afternoon a week supporting their learning and development. 

During group reflective sessions on the programme, Maisie and her group explored assertive behaviour, self-esteem and interpersonal skills. She practiced the skills she learnt each week in the primary school with her mentee. 

As the weeks went on Maisie let her guard down which allowed her to grow in confidence. This confidence was also seen in her mentee. When Maisie saw her mentee smile at her, it helped her to settle any nerves she was feeling,” said Kerry, Maisie’s Power2 Programme Lead. 

The supportive safe space our programmes provide helped Maisie to believe in herself. She said, “It was rewarding being told I have done well by Kerry. When I came to the sessions, I was always happy. It was the only day I really looked forward to coming in to school.” 

Each week Maisie’s confidence grew. She was sharing her opinion more in front of the group. She built lovely friendships with programme participants. 

After the programme, Maisie’s teachers noticed a positive change in her. She was more engaged in her lessons, sharing more of her thoughts, and most importantly, seemed much happier.  

Maisie said, “I’m more independent. A lot of people should do this programme to build confidence. Anything is possible and it’s always nice to support others that need help.”