Every child deserves the opportunity to thrive, but our society is not equal. Depending on where you grew up, the income your household has, and the external challenges you have, will directly impact your experience of childhood.
New research shows that the mental wellbeing of poorer pupils has failed to bounce back from pandemic lows at the same rate as others (Fair Education Alliance, 2022).
Local services just don’t have the money or the capacity to provide these young people with help before things get more serious. Since 2010, council spending on early intervention children’s services has been cut in half and schools tell us time and time again that they just don’t have the time to work intensively on young people’s wellbeing, in the way that Power2 does.
We work with over 1,000 children and young people every year, helping them to develop their wellbeing, re-engage with school, and access opportunities.
What we do is transformative, but we need your help. We’re asking you to help us #CloseTheChasm by supporting more of these young people, now, when they need it. Not when it’s too late.
Get behind Power2 and help us work with more vulnerable children and young people so that they can thrive.
Lucy, 13, has grown in confidence and is attending school regularly after being supported by Power2. Read more
We caught up with Katherine Kilbane, Assistant Headteacher and Inclusion & Safeguarding Lead at Denton Community College, a school receiving Power2 support. Read more
Luca, 12, Power2 Rediscover Graduate, Lambeth. Read more